A big thanks to all our recent fundraisers!



Donating to Xslaves.org is easy. Just send a check payable to “Xslaves.org” to:
 PO Box 2672
 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

Thank you for supporting our work!  Xslaves.org is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization so all donations are tax-deductible.  100% of the donation proceeds will go toward developing and implementing educational, vocational training, microcredit, and other sustainable economic assistance programs to help former slaves, former child soldiers, and abductees rebuild their lives, learn to support themselves and their families, and successfully reintegrate into society. Current donations will be used to build and equip a permanent vocational training workshop for Friends of Orphans.

Please note that if you or your spouse work for a company that matches charitable contributions, this is a great way to make your donation go even further.  Xslaves.org cannot initiate a corporate match; please contact your company’s Human Resources Department to obtain the necessary forms and instructions for matching your donation.

You can also donate to our cause by buying an Xslaves.org t-shirt for $15 plus $5 for shipping and handling. Just send us a check for $20 and let us know if you would like a small, medium, or large. Don't forget to include your shipping address.



  1)  Sign up as a volunteer for Xslaves.org's 30-Day Fundraising Challenge. 
Becoming a registered volunteer is easy.  Just send an email to info@xslaves.org

 2)  Start an Xslaves.org Chapter.
Starting your own Xlaves.org chapter is a snap. You can leverage our resources and materials to be up and running in no time. Just think, you can be Founder and President of the Xslaves.org Chapter at your school or in your community.  Or, you and a friend can be co-founders of your local chapter.  It’s fun and incredibly rewarding when you consider the impact that you can have on the lives of those formerly enslaved in Africa or in other areas around the world.  It’s also a great way to get some practical business experience and hone your leadership skills as you help to solve a difficult international social issue.

As an Xslaves.org Chapter President, you will be focused on both recruiting volunteers to your chapter organization, as well as soliciting donations.  We will provide you with everything you need to start and run your own chapter. You can immediately begin utilizing our volunteer resources by contacting us at info@xslaves.org

Resources for Volunteers

 There are 5 documents that might be helpful to you in raising money and recruiting volunteers.  You can download these documents, print them out as hand-outs, and mail or e-mail them to potential donors and volunteers. Just click on the links below to download.
1) Brief Overview Presentation
2) Brochure (Good to hand out to potential donors)
3) Rendering of Future Vocational Training Workshop- Exterior View
4) Rendering of Future Vocational Training Workshop- Interior View
5) Sample Donor Solicitation Letter

If you are interested in volunteering or starting an Xslaves.org chapter, please e-mail us at info@xslaves.org, and we will e-mail you materials that will be helpful in getting started.

Petition President Trump for Help

In addition to donating, volunteering, or starting your own Xslaves.org chapter, you can make a difference by petitioning President Obama to join the fight to end slavery.  Simply copy and paste the letter below into the e-mail that pops up when you click on the following link: comments@whitehouse.gov. Enter the line below into the subject line.

Petition for Commission to Monitor the Eradication of Slavery in Uganda

To: President Trump
Dear Mr. President:

I join Xslaves.org in condemning the ongoing practice of slavery in Uganda and in seeking justice and compassion for the innocent victims of slavery in Uganda.  The lengthy war in that country  has already destroyed countless lives and taken a huge toll on the people of Uganda.  We cannot ignore the cries for help of the thousands of people who remain enslaved today.  As the strongest nation in the world we must help those who cannot help themselves. We must stop this crime against humanity.

I respectfully ask that you do everything within your power to establish a Commission to Monitor the Eradication of Slavery in Uganda. This Commission would serve as an instrument to fight slavery and restore value to human life. Thank you for your time and consideration and for your compassion and urgency in responding to this great need.
